Today at 5pm there are some fantastic new rare books on These rare books are The Adamantine Palace by debut author Stephen Deas.
This weekend we are uploading some exciting rare books onto our website by Stephen Deas. Plus there is a rare Zack Dante auction on eBay which ends on Sunday at around 7pm. Make sure you check out our user ID doodledbooksltd on the site.
A brilliant book was uploaded onto the website with rave reviews called Auslander by Paul Dowswell. Doodled Books is proud to have some rare books in stock with doodles of Hilter in a Swing Heil tie and runes.
There has been such a buzz on our rare books website since the new Zack Dante section has been updated. If you have not heard of Zack Dante yet then be prepared to be scared and be prepared to want more as this is going to be a hot collectible at Doodled Books. More details will follow on this blog at a later date!